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Showing 41 to 60 of 286 search results


Showing 41 to 60 of 286 search results



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Local Area Coordination

SSI supports people to access the NDIS and other services and supports in the community.

Multicultural Peer Network

Find out how to form a peer-to-peer support group in your community & what free resources & training SSI now offers for community organisations to up-skill & run their own groups.

From refugee to cultural bridge: Sudanese-born Jok supports diverse communities in Australia by leveraging her own journey

When Jok-Babott sought refuge in Australia over 20 years ago, she confronted the daunting task of learning a new language and navigating unfamiliar systems and cultures. Today, Jok leverages her own experiences and skills to provide the support she wishes she’d had as a newcomer.

A dental dilemma: Sadia navigates barriers to reclaim her career

Sadia had almost completed her Master of Dental Science in Malaysia when the Taliban gained control of her home country Afghanistan. After returning home to protect her two young children, Sadia and her family were forced to flee to Australia for safety in November 2021.

Finding a job and a community voice

When Waseemunnisa Syed was invited to an SSI organised Community Voice consultation session for Urdu speaking people, she was initially reluctant. 

Pilot program helps Ellen get job ready

Many young adults struggle to define their career aspirations and educational goals, but Ellen Brant has found guidance and support in a new pilot program by SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) program.