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Showing 1 to 20 of 24 search results


Showing 1 to 20 of 24 search results



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Multicultural Foster Care 

Providing a safe, nurturing and caring environment & connecting children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with foster carers who can help them maintain their cultural identity and sense of belonging.

World of Cultures 2024

World of Cultures 2024 Event Date: Saturday 24 August, 2024 Time: 4 pm – 8 pm Venue: Kingston Butter Factory (KBF) Cultural Precinct, Logan Community Address: 270 Jacaranda Ave, Kingston QLD 4114

From the CEO: Refreshing our brand to reflect our evolving purpose

SSI’s brand – our image and visual identity – traces its roots back to where we began in 2000, as a small settlement agency supporting refugees in Sydney. Fast forward to today, we are a national not-for-profit organisation that offers a diverse range of human services and promotes equal opportunities for all.

Ali balances three careers to reach his ambitious goal of meaningfully contributing to Australia’s cultural landscape

A passionate painter, Ali balances his art and graphic design with a security job, studying and plans to mentor the next generation of Australia’s diverse artists. Ali’s arts career started at a young age. At 12 years old, Ali had his first exhibition in his local town in Syria exploring themes of nature and the […]

Entrepreneurship offers flexibility and fulfilment for woman with chronic health conditions

For Jennifer Cameron, the idea of becoming a counsellor, let alone running her own business, felt unattainable until she found the support of Ignite® Small Business Start-ups, an SSI social enterprise.

Love of art ignites business success

Bridget Kelly is living her dream life as an artist and business owner, thanks to the support of her family and Ignite Small Business Start-Ups.

Iranian beautician launches her own business, thanks to Ignite

Great brows don’t happen by chance, they happen by appointment! This could well be the catchline of Mary Logan’s fledgling business, Mary Logan Beauty.

Iraqi entrepreneur keen to restart family business in Australia

After leaving Iraq and spending over a year in Jordan, Roben Noonoo arrived in Australia as a refugee in February 2020 with his wife and son.

Why we need value-driven leadership during crisis

Six months ago, we could not have predicted the immense impact the COVID-19 pandemic would have on our lives, businesses and economy.

HIV-positive survivor and advocate transforms pain into purpose

Since his diagnosis 35 years ago, inspirational speaker David Polson has participated in 28 drug trials to improve the treatment of the virus.

Innovative social enterprise helps newly-arrived jobseekers realise professional dreams

When Kaddie Conteh first started with SSI’s newest social enterprises, The Experience Centre (‘TEC’), she lacked the confidence to speak up in a professional environment.

From the CEO: Keep your opinions to yourself this Harmony Day

The absence of fact-based opinion in Australia’s public discourse risks undermining appreciation of our country’s rich multicultural identity. Amid the inevitable saturation of news and comments on Harmony Day this Thursday, I challenge you to look for the evidence.

Pip is painting her new future

  SSI Ability Links participant Pip Smith has won the Blue Mountains City Council Visual Arts Prize, and this opened new opportunities for her.

Punchbowl restaurant changes lives through inclusion

Rashays Casual Dining recently announced that “by 2019 all Rashays restaurants will be deaf friendly.”

SSI award nominee wins Youth Community Medal at NSW Premier’s Harmony Dinner

Bassam Maaliki, a 14-year-old student at Homebush Bay High School and founder of the social change campaign #uBelong, was announced winner of the Youth Medal at the NSW Premier’s Harmony Dinner on March 21.

Designer harnesses talents to help Ignite participants accelerate business

SSI Ignite Small Business Start-Ups works together with a pool of specialists to help Ignite participants to achieve their business goals.