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“multicultural peer network”

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“multicultural peer network”


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Multicultural Peer Network

Find out how to form a peer-to-peer support group in your community & what free resources & training SSI now offers for community organisations to up-skill & run their own groups.

Finding a job and a community voice

When Waseemunnisa Syed was invited to an SSI organised Community Voice consultation session for Urdu speaking people, she was initially reluctant. 

The power of peer support: talking disability in multicultural communities

  Building your life in a new country can come with many challenges and it can help to have a group of people around you who understand your experiences. For peer group participants like Amreena, SSI’s Multicultural Peer Network (MPN) program has been a safe haven and a way to connect with community members who share her lived experience.

SSI celebrates International Day of People with Disability

Settlement Services International (SSI), has today celebrated the International Day of People with Disability (3 December 2021) by hosting an event for some of its 16,000+ clients and staff. The International Day of People with Disability aims to raise awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.