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Affordable housing - why is it so hard to find and how do we work together to fill the gap? 

SSI Speakers’ Series explores rights at work for migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum

Recent media reports have highlighted migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum as highly vulnerable at work. Accounts of low-paid work, unpaid wages, unsafe work conditions, exploitation and abuse are not uncommon. 

SSI Speakers’ Series — Aminata Conteh-Biger

As with many new mothers in Australia, former refugee Aminata Conteh-Biger knew nothing about infant mortality rates before giving birth to her first child in 2012.

SSI Speakers’ Series – Deng Thiak Adut

Deng Thiak Adut is a notable community leader and internationally renowned lawyer. He came to Australia as a refugee, after escaping Sudan where he was abducted as a child and forced to act as a soldier. Once he was safe, he put himself through law school, becoming a formidable advocate. 

SSI Speakers’ Series: Inspiring stories of former refugees who have made Australia home

From the arts to technology, there are many different fields where refugees have made significant contributions to Australian society. But what are the factors that drive their success? And why is telling and listening to their stories so important? 

Speakers’ Series: Achieving justice for victims of mass atrocities

As mass atrocities displace millions of civilians around the world - many of them arriving as refugees in Australia - bringing justice to victims is of paramount importance. At this event, hear keynote presentations by Stephen J Rapp, US Ambassador-at-large for War Crimes Issues, and Phil Glendenning, President of the Refugee Council of Australia and Director of the Edmund Rice Centre. 

Speakers’ Series explores extremism and how to counter it

A panel of informed speakers has called on authorities to support community groups and to back more academic research in an effort to counter religious extremism in Australia. The current issue of the susceptibility of young people to extremist ideologies was discussed at the SSI Speakers’ Series Radical appeal: young people and religious extremism on March 16.

Register for the next SSI Speakers’ Series

Radical appeal: Young people and religious extremism Recent events have thrown a spotlight on religious extremism and its enactment through violent acts. Government, media and the public have shown concern at the vulnerability of young Muslims towards the influence of extremist ideology. This Speakers’ Series explores why young people in contemporary Australia might be attracted to an extreme religious ideology.

SSI Speaker Series: Perception is reality

Settlement Services International’s (SSI) third Speakers’ Series event for 2014 will explore the theme: Perception is reality: How do we form our perceptions of refugees and asylum seekers? The live panel discussion will approach the complex question from different angles following a presentation by Professor Andrew Markus, who heads the Scanlon Foundation’s Mapping Social Cohesion research program based at Monash University. The 2014 Mapping Social Cohesion report suggested that the majority of Australians support a humanitarian settlement program, which assesses refugees overseas but are negative towards asylum seekers arriving by boat. The predominant view is that asylum seekers are illegal economic migrants. Claims of persecution are often ignored as a push factor. These views have increased since 2011. 

Aboriginal Filipino rapper, DOBBY, joined by surprise acts L-FRESH The LION and Sereen Omran, at celebration of multicultural creatives

Celebrate the artistic vibrancy and diverse cultural expressions of multicultural Australia

Supporting young people as agents of change

Almost 100 people, including young people, gathered to learn about the unique challenges and opportunities facing young migrants and refugees at a dedicated Youth Symposium last month.

From refugee to cultural bridge: Sudanese-born Jok supports diverse communities in Australia by leveraging her own journey

When Jok-Babott sought refuge in Australia over 20 years ago, she confronted the daunting task of learning a new language and navigating unfamiliar systems and cultures. Today, Jok leverages her own experiences and skills to provide the support she wishes she’d had as a newcomer.

New hub set to streamline recruitment and lower attrition in home care 

A new purpose-built facility will streamline the recruitment and training of home care workers entering the sector, as well as assist home care providers with their hiring and retention strategies. 

Refugee Week 2022

Every member of our community should feel they belong. SSI has been supporting refugees and working for a more socially cohesive society for over 20 years.

Rising hip hop stars Elsy Wameyo and Birdz headline celebration of multicultural creatives

From First Nations to newcomers, innovators, movers, shakers and everyone in between, New Beginnings Festival is where you belong.

SSI at FECCA: a multicultural perspective on the Uluru Statement, and the power of humanity

Only by working together can a truly multicultural Australia be a place of safety, growth and happiness.

Community Hub celebrates happiness, hope and building connections

Parramatta West Public School Community Hub was established as a new hub in SSI’s Community Hubs network in the middle of COVID.