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Showing 1 to 20 of 129 search results


Showing 1 to 20 of 129 search results



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WorkForce Australia Local Jobs Program

Reskills, upskills and develops employment pathways that assist people to move back into jobs as the economy recovers. 

Workforce Australia review cannot overlook migrant and refugee jobseekers again

The Federal Government’s review of the Workforce Australia scheme must address a gaping hole that has left migrant and refugee communities without adequate support, according to leading non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

Manufacturing industry key to economic recovery in Sydney South West: How the Local Jobs Program is helping

Local Jobs Program Employment Facilitator for the Sydney South West region, Joudy Lazkany, has hit the ground running, facilitating connections with crane manufactures Eilbeck Cranes and placing four new employees in manufacturing roles.

Queensland Local Jobs facilitator recognised with Lifetime Achievement Award

Settlement Services International (SSI) Group’s Wivenhoe Local Jobs Program employment facilitator, John Perry OAM, was awarded the National Employment Services Association (NESA) Lifetime Achievement Award earlier this month for his long-term involvement in employment initiatives and social enterprises around Australia.

Meagre JobSeeker increase a missed opportunity to ‘build back better’

Settlement Services International (SSI) has described the federal government’s decision to increase JobSeeker by only $50 a fortnight as a missed opportunity to lift people out of poverty and “build back better”.

SSI staff to provide local knowledge to help jobseekers find work

Three Settlement Services International (SSI) staff have been named among nine new Employment Facilitators helping job seekers find work as part of the Federal Government’s $62.8 million Local Jobs Program.

JobSeeker cut creates uncertainty for families facing poverty

Settlement Services International is disappointed that the federal government is to cut the Coronavirus Supplement received by people on JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and parenting payments while extending it from January 1 to March 28.

Innovative social enterprise helps newly-arrived jobseekers realise professional dreams

When Kaddie Conteh first started with SSI’s newest social enterprises, The Experience Centre (‘TEC’), she lacked the confidence to speak up in a professional environment.

SSI drives an innovative approach for refugee jobseekers into work through their newest social enterprise – Food for Thought

Today, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs, Senator Zed Seselja launched SSI newest social enterprise – Food for Thought in Campsie, NSW.

Businesses and jobs created by SSI’s Ignite Small Business Start-ups

SSI’s first event in Parliament House, Canberra was a resounding success, with Federal Minister Craig Laundy MP vowing to ensure that the Ignite Small Business Start-ups (Ignite) initiative receives the funding it deserves so that humanitarian entrants have the opportunity to give back to Australia.

From the CEO – Cooperation key to creating jobs for refugees

The past fortnight has brought heartening news for the refugee community, with the NSW Government’s announcement of a new round of funding to support refugee resettlement.

Ambitious engineer pursues Australian career despite local experience roadblock

Since arriving in Australia in 2023, Syrian refugee and Automation Engineer, Alaa Daher has done all the right things to find employment in his field. He developed his English language skills, gained his driver’s license, had his Bachelor’s degree recognised, and completed work-readiness workshops. Yet the ambitious 37-year-old has received the same response to the […]

Syrian IT professional’s pursuit of tech career in Australia: A journey of resilience and determination

Syrian-born AbdAlmassih had enjoyed a successful IT career that spanned more than two decades in his homeland. A proficient programmer specialising in design, development, and integration, AbdAlmassih built on his experience with prominent corporations and public sector entities in Syria to establish his own IT company. “I love IT, it’s my area of expertise – […]

Ali balances three careers to reach his ambitious goal of meaningfully contributing to Australia’s cultural landscape

A passionate painter, Ali balances his art and graphic design with a security job, studying and plans to mentor the next generation of Australia’s diverse artists. Ali’s arts career started at a young age. At 12 years old, Ali had his first exhibition in his local town in Syria exploring themes of nature and the […]

Refugee Week 2024

“I love IT, it’s my area of expertise – my specialty. It’s what I know best. I want to put my skills to use in this great country.” Read Full Story “Workers with overseas qualifications can be a valuable addition to business as they bring new ideas, diverse skills and experience.” Read Full Story “Everyone […]