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Showing 1 to 20 of 43 search results

“domestic and family violence”

Showing 1 to 20 of 43 search results

“domestic and family violence”


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Train, Engage, Connect and Support (TECS) project

Promoting safety for migrant and refugee women, children and families.

Championing Action for Tech Safety (CATS)

Preventing tech-abuse of women.

99 Steps

Free and confidential support for women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds affected by domestic and family violence.

In My Voice

A series of vignettes that tell the stories of DFV in different migrant communities in order to help start conversations and change.

Building Stronger Families

Helps Arabic-speaking newcomers to build strong and healthy relationships and address issues such as conflict, stress, and domestic and family violence.

Community of Practice will provide collective response to domestic and family violence

Sunday November 25 was International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, marking the launch of 16 Days of Activism, a global campaign to galvanise action to end violence against women and children. It will conclude on December 10, International Human Rights Day.

DFV funding a win for migrant and refugee women and children

Funding for a specialist multicultural domestic and family violence centre, announced in today’s NSW State Budget, will greatly enhance support for some of the state’s most vulnerable community members, according to leading non-profit SSI.

Additional investment to support refugees in South-West Sydney

One of Australia’s largest refugee resettlement providers has answered calls for additional investment in South-West Sydney, investing new resources in the area with the launch of a new local location.

What we’ve done at SSI to progress gender equality in the last 12 months

International Women’s Day is a global celebration that has become a focal point in the women’s rights movement. It offers an opportunity to reflect on successes that have helped to advance gender equality. Here’s what we’ve been doing at SSI to progress women’s rights over the last 12 months.

NSW families afforded new protections under DFV commitments

Changes endorsed by NSW major parties will enhance domestic and family violence (DFV) support for women and children, particularly for at-risk cohorts such as refugees and migrants, according to leading non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

National DFV consultation kicks off in Logan

National Children’s Commissioner leads inaugural Queensland roundtable that raises the voices of children from CALD backgrounds impacted by family and domestic violence.

National DFV plan shines a spotlight on forgotten women

A new national plan to end domestic and family violence (DFV) has taken steps towards addressing the needs of an often overlooked group of women who sit at the intersection of gender, and race and culture, according to non-profit Settlement Services International (SSI).

SSI at FECCA: a multicultural perspective on the Uluru Statement, and the power of humanity

Only by working together can a truly multicultural Australia be a place of safety, growth and happiness.

Leading community organisations welcome state budgets

Settlement Services International (SSI) and Access Community Services have welcomed this week’s budget announcements by the NSW and Queensland governments, commending their focus on women, healthcare, housing and education.

Supporting U equips multicultural women’s agencies to be allies within their communities

Settlement Services International (SSI) last night launched a series of videos as part of its Supporting U program, an innovative project aimed at equipping women leaders within culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities with the skills to support women in crisis.