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SSI Education and Training

A range of courses on offer to support your career journey.

Community Education Program

Providing newcomers with the skills they need to thrive.

SSI Allianz scholarship supports 34 refugees to overcome barriers to education in digital world

Allianz Australia and Settlement Services International (SSI) have awarded 34 deserving refugee students with SSI Allianz Refugee Scholarships, providing vital funding to access technology, pursue their education, and obtain local qualification recognition.

Allianz and Settlement Services International expand award-winning scholarship program to support refugee and migrant education

Allianz Australia and Settlement Services International (SSI) proudly celebrated 37 new refugee scholarship recipients at the Allianz SSI scholarships ceremonies in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne yesterday.

SSI digital literacy course gives mature-aged refugees better education, employment opportunities

One hundred and five people from refugee backgrounds have increased digital independence, English language proficiency and access to online services thanks to a program coordinated by Settlement Services International (SSI).

Young refugee mother finds education and employment in new home

Single mother and refugee Janet Ferdosian made the courageous decision to flee Iran in 2014 and seek temporary refuge in Turkey, where she lived for three years while waiting for a humanitarian visa.

Culturally diverse children miss out on early childhood education, so more vulnerable

Education today | Published: Thursday, 25 March 2021 Attendance at early childhood education makes a difference for the development of all children but children from diverse backgrounds are less likely to go. These children continue to be more likely to be developmentally vulnerable at school entry than children from non-CALD backgrounds in each census since 2009, but […]

Culturally diverse children missing out on early childhood education are more likely to face vulnerability

Early childhood education in the pre-school years is critical to a strong start in life.

Iraqi sisters secure employment and further education during first year in Australia

The Humanitarian Settlement Program, funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs* and delivered by Settlement Services International has supported Iraqi sisters, Diana and Sandra Hassan* to acquire part-time jobs and engage in higher education.  

SSI and Allianz announce scholarships for refugee education in NSW

Thirty-five people from a refugee background, needing financial assistance for their education or attaining local recognition for their qualifications, will get the support they need as part of the Settlement Services International (SSI) and Allianz Australia 2019 Refugee Scholarships.

Support for refugee education in NSW announced

Forty-one people from a refugee background, needing financial assistance for their education or attaining local recognition for their qualifications, will get the support they need as part of the Settlement Services International (SSI) and Allianz Australia 2018 Refugee Scholarships.

Refugee education, employment at heart of SSI Mosaic Gala

When Elaha* was seven, her parents made the heartbreaking decision to send her to live in India so she could enjoy a more free life than in her native country. Growing up in a foster care home away from her family, Elaha always made an extra effort with her education as she felt that would help to justify her parents’ sacrifice.

Access to education puts former refugee on path to success

Just over a year ago, Abera Tadesse was a refugee. Newly arrived in Australia, he was unsure of what lay ahead but knew he wanted to make the most of educational and employment opportunities and create a better life for his family.

20 Voices symposium on education for young people from multicultural backgrounds

Over one hundred multicultural youth came together for the 20 Voices Youth Symposium on Education last month to learn how to navigate the local education system and take their career goals into their own hands.

Youth symposium supports multicultural youth to break through barriers in education system

Multicultural youth from across Greater Western Sydney came together for the 20 Voices Youth Symposium on Education yesterday to break through barriers in Australia’s education system and build solid foundations for their future. Hosted by the Youth Collective, the 20 Voices Youth Symposium provided a forum for young people to share skills and experiences, build new networks, and learn how to navigate the education system to work towards their career goals.

Educational guidance helps skilled refugees reach their goals

Majed Al Zanad was four years into a medical degree when the war in Syria forced him to abandon his studies. Like many refugees, he is now facing the challenging process of getting his past experience recognised so he can resume his medical studies in Australia.