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Wide-ranging ranging reforms put forward by a major inquiry into the Federal Government’s system to support disadvantaged jobseekers would create a more equitable system that delivers specialist support and better employment outcomes for migrant and refugees, according to non-profit SSI, which provides employment support to jobseekers across NSW, Queensland and Victoria. 


Report finds recognising refugees’ and migrants’ skills would boost economy.


Harrowing stories of temporary migrant exploitation detailed in a report released today highlight the need for urgent action to protect temporary migrant workers, according to migrant and refugee services providers Settlement Services International (SSI).


A new purpose-built facility will streamline the recruitment and training of home care workers entering the sector, as well as assist home care providers with their hiring and retention strategies. 


When Mohsen Shahsavarzdeh finally arrived in Australia after three year’s detention on Christmas Island, his first priority was to get a job – any job.


When Iranian-born Mary Logan sought refuge in Australia, she hoped to continue her work in hair and beauty. However, her overseas experience and qualifications were not recognised, forcing the salon owner and manager to begin again as an apprentice.


Reforms to Australia’s migration system to streamline recognition of overseas skills and experience could activate a motivated but underutilised talent pool, according to leading non-profit organisation Settlement Services International (SSI).


When Waseemunnisa Syed was invited to an SSI organised Community Voice consultation session for Urdu speaking people, she was initially reluctant. 


Many young adults struggle to define their career aspirations and educational goals, but Ellen Brant has found guidance and support in a new pilot program by SSI’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) program.  


A new initiative to help overcome the skills shortages and economic pressure impacting the at-home aged care sector has been launched today by non-profit organisation Settlement Services International (SSI), in partnership with National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) registered platform Hireup. The collaboration is set to bring more growth opportunities and career pathways to support workers too.
