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Showing 1 to 13 of 13 search results


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Australia must increase humanitarian intake amidst record-breaking displacement

One of Australia’s largest refugee resettlement providers has called for urgent action to lift Australia’s humanitarian intake, as new research shows the number of people experiencing forced displacement increased at a record-breaking rate in 2022.

One year in Australia: How Ukrainian refugees Valeriia and Olga are rebuilding their lives

Over the past year of war, millions of refugees have fled Ukraine — 4,500 of whom have found themselves in Australia. With no end to the conflict in sight, women like Valeriia and Olga are rebuilding their lives in local suburbs across the country.

From the CEO: Anniversaries highlight Australia’s welcoming spirit

February marks two anniversaries that highlight the generosity and success of Australia’s approach to refugee resettlement.

SSI congratulates Labor on significant election result

Settlement Services International (SSI), has congratulated Anthony Albanese on the Labor Party’s election victory on Saturday and his appointment as Prime Minister.

From the CEO: Foster inclusiveness and a sense of belonging this Harmony Week

Harmony Week, March 21 to March 27, marks our country’s rich multicultural identity.