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Showing 1 to 20 of 55 search results


Showing 1 to 20 of 55 search results



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NSW Settlement Partnership (NSP) and SETS

The NSW Settlement Partnership (NSP) is a consortium of 20 community organisations, led by SSI, that delivers Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) services in areas of NSW for newly arrived migrants and refugees.

SSI Allianz Scholarship Program

One-off scholarships of up to $5000 to students preparing to undertake tertiary study in New South Wales, Queensland or Victoria.

Multicultural Foster Care 

Providing a safe, nurturing and caring environment & connecting children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with foster carers who can help them maintain their cultural identity and sense of belonging.

Special group of SSI women visits Blue Mountains

SSI recently took a group of ‘Women at Risk’, and their children, for a day trip to the Blue Mountains. The SSI W@R (Woman at Risk) Committee arranged the excursion for about 30 clients who are deemed “at risk”. The group was a mix of refugee women and women seeking asylum.

Intergenerational Report reinforces need for forward-looking immigration strategies to bolster Australia’s future

Today’s release of the 2023 Intergenerational Report (IGR) shows the important role migration plays in sustaining the health of Australia’s ageing nation and the importance of long-term planning to strengthen the country’s migration system.  

Surviving the temporary visa protection cycle: Ferah’s story of resilience 

New research has quantified the devastating mental health impacts of temporary visas – something all too familiar for Iraqi-born Ferah* who, despite the challenges, has shown incredible strength and resilience in carving out a life for her and her children in Australia.  

Quashed anti-racism campaign highlights need for national response

A Sydney mayor’s derailing of an anti-racism campaign highlights the need for a coordinated national response to racism in Australia, according to Australia’s largest refugee and migration resettlement support provider, Settlement Services International (SSI).

From the CEO: The Syrian civil war 10 years on

This month marks 10 years since the beginning of the Syrian civil war -- a conflict that has displaced more than half of the country’s pre-war population and left a staggering 80 per cent of the current population living beneath the poverty line.

Iraqi entrepreneur keen to restart family business in Australia

After leaving Iraq and spending over a year in Jordan, Roben Noonoo arrived in Australia as a refugee in February 2020 with his wife and son.

Volunteer’s inspiring commitment to supporting newcomers

Australia has a proud tradition in volunteerism, as shown by a remarkable 31 per cent of the population aged 15 and over who regularly offer their time to support others. Those who volunteer for SSI are prime examples.

20 years: The SSI Story

SSI’s history is inextricably linked to its membership base.

From the CEO: Beating the isolation of closed borders through community connection

COVID-19 has touched everyone around the globe, causing economies to come crashing to a halt, shut-downs to be mandated and borders to close.

Iraqi-born researcher and refugee gets work published in prestigious scientific journal

Iraqi refugee and PhD student of astronomy Rami Alsaberi arrived in Australia in December 2016 with his parents, brothers and sister as a family unit of seven from Iraq after spending three years in Jordan.

From the CEO: Our country is stuck in a toxic relationship

You know you’re in a toxic relationship when there is a negative change in the way you see yourself and your relationship with the world. For me, the signs have been clear for years: our country is stuck in a toxic relationship with itself, and we urgently need to come to terms with who we really are.