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Showing 1 to 20 of 220 search results


Showing 1 to 20 of 220 search results



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New report signals fundamental reforms, a return to a fairer and more equitable employment support system 

Wide-ranging ranging reforms put forward by a major inquiry into the Federal Government’s system to support disadvantaged jobseekers would create a more equitable system that delivers specialist support and better employment outcomes for migrant and refugees, according to non-profit SSI, which provides employment support to jobseekers across NSW, Queensland and Victoria. 

Intergenerational Report reinforces need for forward-looking immigration strategies to bolster Australia’s future

Today’s release of the 2023 Intergenerational Report (IGR) shows the important role migration plays in sustaining the health of Australia’s ageing nation and the importance of long-term planning to strengthen the country’s migration system.  

Billion-dollar benefit: new report identifies five ways to harness untapped skilled workforce

Skilled migrants and refugees already living in Australia are an overlooked solution to Australia’s wide-reaching skills shortages, which if harnessed could inject billions of dollars into the economy, according to a new report.

SSI welcomes Closing the Gap report

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the release of the 2021 Closing the Gap report, released today, and backed the Australian Human Rights Commision’s calls for large-scale systemic reform to avoid preventable deaths and protect Indigenous health, wellbeing, culture and Country.

Report launch casts light on experiences of culturally diverse artists during COVID-19

Online panel discusses findings from artist roundtables forming part of UNESCO ResiliArt Settlement Services International (SSI) will facilitate an online discussion launching its new report, ‘SSI Artist Voices: experiences of the pandemic and a desired future’ hosted by the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) on December 9.

We need diverse newsrooms, and ones that report ethically on race

There is a pressing need for greater diversity in our media and newsrooms. A report released this week shows more than half of opinion articles on the topic of race in Australia contain a negative portrayal of racial minorities.