SSI supports people to access the NDIS and other services and supports in the community.
Reforms announced yesterday could bring Australia closer towards realising a migration program that meets the needs of industry, employers and migrants alike, while retaining our reputation as a destination of choice, according to leading non-profit organisation Settlement Services International (SSI).
Settlement Services International (SSI) is one of six organisations chosen by the Morrison Government to help boost Australia’s ability to provide care at home and support more senior Australians to access Home Care Packages and remain independent at home.
High levels of unemployed welfare recipients losing access to their payments is indicative of a complex and inadequate system, not a proliferation of ‘welfare cheats’, according to community organisation and social business Settlement Services International (SSI).
Sydney Alliance is currently running a Housing Affordability Campaign to highlight how the housing crisis affects Sydney residents. Settlement Services International (SSI) has joined the advocacy campaign to highlight how the crisis is compounded further for asylum seekers and refugees. Language barriers, the lack of rental history and skills to navigate the property market, social isolation, high unemployment and mental and physical health issues combine to make securing housing a problem for refugees and asylum seekers.